Granite Roots Announces Season Retail Model in 2024 – Brewing & Wholesale to continue year round
After discussions with the team we have decided to shift our on-site retail/Beer House to a seasonal model, with our last weekend of the winter being Jan 13th & 14th 2024. and an estimated re-opening in May. Although we love our unique and quirky set up, we’ll be the first to admit it’s not the best suited for the true winter temps and sometimes heavy snows here in Southwest N.H. (take that wet 3.5ft storm in March which crushed all our beer domes as an example!) With increased operating costs and the challenges winter presents to our set up, it can be tough to run in an effective and efficient manner.
We will take this time to make some upgrades, plan some cool additions to the beer garden this spring and also welcome 2 new babies to the team (Congrats Chris & Mike!)
Brewing will continue this winter for wholesale, including a couple exciting new brews hitting soon enough. We’ll keep our website up to date on where to find us throughout the 60ish stores/restaurants in NH and we will plan to do some more updates on social media outlining where/when to find our beer.
We’d like to thank everyone that’s taken the time to stop in for a pint, beer to-go, caught a show and shared a smile. We would love to see as many of you as we can in these final 3 weekends of winter business, but those of you that we miss get out and enjoy some great local beers in the area this winter and we can’t wait to welcome you all back in May!
Wishing everyone a healthy and safe holiday season with those most important to you.
-the Granite Roots team